
When you already followed my posts in the past, you may have noticed, that there were no new posts between March and end of August. Normally, I published multiple blog posts every month so this was a long time without. Today I want to talk about the reasons for this break…​

I started my tech blog on the Medium platform in June 2022. The reason for me to write blog posts was initially just an experiment. I’m writing a developer diary for a long time and I wondered if my learnings maybe can also be interesting for others. It was never the intention to continue writing blog posts in such a regular manner, because the content of my developer diary is not always enough for a post and writing posts without any value added for the reader is not my intent.

I started writing blog posts without much thinking about how to make my content available for interested readers. I just recognized that a lot of posts I read that time, are hosted on Medium, and therefore I created an account and started writing on that platform. Medium provides all that is necessary for writing posts out-of-the-box. Also, the published posts are automatically available for a large audience that are following topics around the Kotlin ecosystem. That generated a lot of views from the beginning on. A lot of my posts also get published on publications like Towards Dev, Pro Android Dev or Better Programming. I also got a lot of positive feedback from different people, that motivated me to continue writing.

That worked very well for my for about 1,5 years and I had always enough content to write posts, about 3-4 per month. I covered a lot of different topics during that time. But something changed silently over time. In the beginning I created posts as soon as I got time because enough content and ideas were available. It felt as nearly no effort to write. In the evening after finishing my fulltime job, it was a kind of cool-down to spend time working on my blog. As time went on, the time and effort I spent on it increased, and it felt more and more like work instead of relaxing. I pushed myself writing new blog posts at fixed intervals and the preparation took me a few weekends. I felt more and more like I was on a hamster wheel and had to spent more and more time and mental resources…​.that couldn’t go well for long…​Also, the fun step by step got away, and it was more like a mandatory task.

It took me some time to fully understand what has happened and to accept, that I cannot continue the same way. That’s why I took a conscious break until this week. After my holiday with the family I’ve got the feeling that the desire to write blog articles returned again.

So I hope this is a second chance for me to continue writing blog posts. That should both makes fun for me and also provide you with added value.
