Hello, I’m Matthias and an enthusiastic software craftsman experienced in Java and Kotlin. My main focus are the Spring and Ktor ecosystem.

PoisonedYouth is my nickname I used since I started with online games long time ago and because it has been part of my life for so long, my personal blog will also take it as part of the name.

My personal interests as software developer are:

  • Ktor

  • Exposed

  • Koin

  • Konsist

  • http4k

  • SpringBoot

  • Kotest

  • Arrow

Beside developing software I’m a technical reviewer of several books in the ecosystem of Kotlin.


Kotlin Essentials by Marcin Moskala

Advanced Kotlin by Marcin Moskala

Currently in work:

Kotlin for Java Developers: Beginner to Advanced by José Dimas Luján Castillo

Additionally, I have an existing Blog that will no longer be extended with new blog posts.